3 Essential Oils That Can Help Relieve Headaches

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3 Essential Oils That Can Help Relieve Headaches

20 March 2017
 Categories: , Blog

For some people, headaches are infrequent and temporary annoyances. For others, headaches occur often and can be debilitating. Either way, a headache can disrupt your day, impede your productivity, and make you uncomfortable. If you prefer to avoid medications, or if you find that ordinary over-the-counter medications don't work well for you, you may be looking for a gentler or more effective way to deal with them. On the go essential oil kits may be the answer that you've been looking for. Take a look at a few common essential oils and how they can help eliminate your headaches.

Eucalyptus Oil For Sinus Headaches

Sinus headaches can occur when you have a cold or respiratory illness or sometimes when you have a sinus infection. They not only cause pain in your head, they're also accompanied by a stuffed nose, toothache, fatigue, and pain or pressure in your face. Eliminating sinus pressure can go a long way toward relieving a sinus headache.

Eucalyptus oil is a perfect choice for helping to relieve sinus pressure. Even if you're not experienced with essential oils, there's a good chance that you've used eucalyptus oil before – it's a common active ingredient in over-the-counter rubs and inhalants that are used to relieve congestion. Applying eucalyptus oil to your chest, neck, temples, and forehead can open your airways and relieve congestion, eliminating the sinus pressure that causes sinus headaches.

Peppermint Oil for Tension Headaches

Tension headaches are one of the most common types of headaches. The symptoms of a tension headache include dull pain and a sensation of tightness or pressure around the head. Some people also experience tenderness in the shoulder and neck area with a tension headache. Although the exact cause of tension headaches is unknown, they are often triggered by stress.

Peppermint oil has a cooling effect that helps soothe muscles, and it also stimulates blood flow in the area where it's applied, which can help relieve headache symptoms. Additionally, the scent of peppermint is mentally relaxing, and it can help reduce the stressful feelings that trigger tension headaches. To use peppermint oil for tension headaches, apply the oil to your forehead, shoulders, and the back of your neck.

Lavender for Migraine Headaches

Migraines are a particularly difficult type of headache to treat. They are characterized by moderate to severe pain, a throbbing or pulsing sensation, and symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light and sound, and visual disturbances. They can also last for much longer than typical headaches, even for several days at a time.

A study of the effects of lavender on migraine patients found that 92 out of 129 responded entirely or partially to lavender, as opposed to 32 of 68 in a placebo group. This indicates that lavender can be a useful and effective tool for relieving migraines. Lavender reduces muscle tension and helps to regulate serotonin levels, which may help in relieving migraine pain. Additionally, lavender reduces feelings of restlessness and can help you sleep, which is often helpful in reducing migraine pain. Apply lavender oil to your wrists, the back of your neck, and your temples, or use a diffuser to spread the scent of lavender through the room.

You can also mix different essential oils to help improve their efficacy and relieve several symptoms at once. If you've been looking for a better way to treat headaches, these essential oils may be just what you need to relieve your pain and help you get back to your life.